Starting Time 活動開始時間

April 26, 2024 at 1:00 AM UTC

(In your time zone. 閣下所在時區)

April 26, 2024 at 9:00 AM GMT+8

(In the event local time zone. 活動所在時區)

Participants 嘉賓

Professor Linda Grove (Sophia University)

Organizers 主協辦機構

Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

Mode 活動形式
Langauges 語言
Description 詳情

In the early 1930s Gaoyang (in Hebei province) was the center of one of China’s best known rural industrial districts, producing cotton and rayon textiles that were sold through a nation-wide marketing network. My own earlier work on Gaoyang, A Chinese Economic Revolution: Rural Entrepreneurship in the Twentieth Century, traced the prewar development of the industrial district and charted its fate during the socialist era and following the rebirth of private industry from the 1980s to 2000. The talk I am going to give returns to Gaoyang of the 1930s, making use of a rich set of “lost” materials to chart the impact of rural industrialization on local society. The materials are the original fieldwork notes of a two-year long sociological study of Gaoyang directed by the sociologist Chen Xujing of the Nankai Economic Research Institute and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation from 1935-37. My presentation will introduce the materials, briefly describe what they tell us about the “boom” town of Gaoyang in the early 1930s and discuss several “tales” as an indication of the kind of research that can be done with the new materials. One of the “tales” examines the local government’s use of lotteries to finance essential tasks when it had insufficient revenue, and the second takes up the question of smuggling and the clash between the patriotic sentiments of the business community and their economic interests.

Registration & Video Recording 登記與錄影

Registration is required. 活動需要登記。

The event is recorded. 活動過程將會錄影。