AboutInternational China Studies Events Clearing-house

In spring 2020, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, China Studies around the world moved online. One unanticipated consequence of this unfortunate situation is that it has become possible to attend events regardless of one's location. The International China Studies Events Clearing-house has been created to share information about upcoming online events with the broader China studies community. The Clearing-house is maintained by the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University. It was built by Kwok-Leong Tang, Digital China Fellow at the Fairbank Center. We rely on our colleagues around the world to include their upcoming events; the catalog is not intended to be comprehensive. The Fairbank Center provides this clearing-house as a service to the field. We do not take responsibility for any of the events listed here, and unfortunately cannot respond to queries. Please contact the organizer of the specific event directly. We hope you find this catalog helpful.


庚子年(2020)春,大疫流行,全球各地的中國研究活動紛紛轉移網上。如今參加活動不再受地域所限,亦屬不幸中始料不及的結果。 國際中國研究網上活動資訊交換中心旨在與廣大的中國研究社群分享即將舉辦的活動。 本網站由哈佛大學費正清中國研究中心維護,數碼中國研究員鄧國亮建置。 我們有賴世界各地的同行提供活動資訊,但本目錄並不以無所不包爲目標。 本網站乃費正清中國研究中心為中國研究同寅所提供之服務,本中心對所刊登之活動並無任何責任,亦不會回應任何活動查詢。 如對活動有所疑問,請直接與活動主辦人聯絡。 我們希望本目錄爲您帶來便利。